Main office:  (315)785-2400  Hours: Mon – Fri 8:00am – 3:00pm.   Branch office: (315)785-2470 Hours: Mon – Fri 8:00am – 4:30pm |

Drive 4 Less Auto Loan

For a limited time, when you refinance your lease into a Drive 4 Less loan, you’ll receive a $50 gas card to Stewart’s!

Offer ends March 28, 2025. Subject to loan approval. $10,000 minimum loan required. 

Lease Alternative Loan

Are you looking for low monthly payments on your next vehicle, but don’t want all the drawbacks of leasing? Our Drive 4 Less loan can put you behind the wheel of a better car, with lower payments! This unique loan offers payments that are considerably lower than conventional financing, with no money down. Yet unlike leasing, you actually own the vehicle. 

With a Drive 4 Less Loan, you’ll make smaller monthly payments in exchange for one larger payment at the end of your term. This final payment is based on the residual value of the vehicle which is agreed upon up front.

  • Available on new and used vehicles up to 5 years old
  • Terms from 24 months to 72 months available
  • No down payment or security deposit 
  • Annual mileage options ranging from 7,500 to 18,000
  • Trade-in, sell, refinance or payoff at any time
  • Option to surrender your vehicle and “walk away” at loan maturity
  • Refinance your current loan to reduce your monthly payments
  • Enables you to easily upgrade your vehicle every couple of years!

Use the calculator below to see for yourself how low your auto loan monthly payment can be! Click here to view the detailed program brochure.

Payment Comparison Calculator


How the Program Works

Residual Value and Guaranteed Future Value (GFV)

The residual is the projected value of the vehicle at loan maturity. Our program guarantees this residual – we call it the “Guaranteed Future Value.” If your vehicle is worth less than what you owe on your loan at maturity, you can turn the vehicle in.


The difference between what you pay for the vehicle and the residual value is used to determine the principal portion of your payment, which results in a lower monthly payment than conventional financing.


At any time during your loan term:

  • Sell the vehicle, pay the loan balance (including residual value) and keep any difference.
  • Use the vehicle as a trade-in, and the loan balance (including residual value) is paid as part of a transaction.
  • Keep the vehicle and refinance the loan balance (including residual value) as a used vehicle loan.

At Loan Maturity:

  • Return the vehicle and not pay the residual value.